Saturday, i went to my uncle's house. He invited us for chinese new year. Alot of people were also there. Like Aunty Lucy and her husband, so long nvr see them alreadi. At first we reach there but the lion dance people haven come, so my dad brought me to westmall to buy a new PSP™ game: Armored Core Formula Front Extreme Battle. Realli nice game. But just customising the ACs can take hours. Thn you still have to tune the parts and thn tune the AI somemore and also plan strategies. By the time i went back, the lion dance troop had alreadi come and gone....argh but who cares. As usual, Kenny and Louis brought their girlfriends with them.

This weekend was realli stressful. So much homework, and got maths test for both A and E. Sucks man. Btw, happy birthday Bryane!!!

Anyway, today's maths test was realli easy. Easier than wat i expected. Shud be full marks la. haha. Oh and saw Sheryl yesterday! okie i gtg. Bye!