Today was realli normal. I mean i did the usual stuff that i am suppose to do and all. P.E was realli boring today cos Mr Irwan was not here. Got back my Geography Common Test paper, didn't do as well as i thought i would. Got 15.5 upon 25, so sucky la. And the worst is that i failed my E.maths paper. Wat a joke, when i got back the paper i look at the questions and i knew how to do them, dunno why on that day got mental block, couldn't tink properly. Got a 22 upon 50, again sucky.

Anyhow, we had time trails again for training today. I hate time trails, i tink its pointless in doind a 400m. Everybody tinks to too. Super depresses today la. My timing deprove again. My 100m is now like 13.12s and my 400m is 69. something la. Heck, who cares about 400m. Sigh, i tink its because i am getting fatter. From now on, i shall start going to the gym and run like 2-3k every-non training days.

Going to sleep now. TaTa!