Okie, I when to my godmother house yesterday. We have barbaque at her Cashew heights condo, thn we proceeded to her terrance just down the road. I saw Gerald there, i didn't knew he stayed there. All of 2 years i knew years i knew him, i didn't knew that he stay there.

Both my cousins (my godmother's sons) brought their Girlfriends, actualli i onli knew that Kenny had girlfriend, but i didn't that Louis also had one. Kenny's girlfriend is like quite quiet, while Louis is more socialable and she likes to play with the kids. Both not bad looking la. Damien says that Kenny's girlfriend more chio, but i tink Louis girlfriend more chio. Lol.

Anyway, we have fun yesterday, playin PS2 with my cousins, especially Ryan. I kept thrashing him in SoulCaliber III. Besides, he is onli Pri 1, years old. haha. I'm a bully. And he english got problem lor. We have to keep correcting him.

Ryan:"Wah, you very good in player"

Me:"Wat the Heck?"


Louis:"No, it is you are a very good player, thats why he is very in good playin."

Aiya, after we corrected him, he still said the same thing. dunno wat to do with him. Went to my Nanny's house just now to bai nian. Ah boy was cooking. Damn nice to eat. Tonite eating steamboat....sick of it. Okie, I am going to play soccer now, Tata!