Sorry about not blogging for quite some time. Due to the common test and all. Didn't realli have time to blog. And I fell asleep damn early yesterday. Anyhow, this whole week was so packed, with studying to do and homework.

Common test was quite okie la. On Monday, we had E. Maths and Combined Humanities. E. Maths was quite okie la. But damn little time to complete the paper. Nicholas class almost hlaf the class failed. So i tink i die alreadi. On Tuesday, we had Geography and chemistry. I thought that geog was a give away of marks if you study, so i tink i wil do quite well for it la. Chemistry was also not bad. Beside the lack of time. I tink that the literature and especially yhe history boys and damn poor thing. Cos i was doing my geog paper, i look around at the history boys, they were rushing lyke hell la, and they onli had 30 mins while geog paper had 45 mins. Thn lit guys also had a hard time tinking of wat they shud write. I mean its lyke they give the geog boy so much time, we even had time to slack and look around and all la. On wednesday, we had A. Maths Paper. I tink it was easy la if not for the lack of time. If they give enough time ar, i tell you ar i will get full marks la. Haha. Thn on thursday, the last paper, Physics. It was damn hard la. I feel like killing the setter. I mean multiple choice is suppoe to be easy rite? Just read the question and answer rite? But they made us calculate lyke siao! So in the end i didn't have enough time to finish.

After school on thursday, they rest went to play lan and watch movie. They ask me to go but i didn't wat to cos i didn't like the fact that i have to come home late. I rather go home and play my Xbox; Fifa 06.

Yesterday, the rugby boys and to fight with RI. It was quite a big match. I wanted to watch but i had to go o east coast for training and run 5K! But it wasn't that bad la. We ran half way thn they others slack onli me and jerome continued on. Can help me lose weight. After the run, the rest when to cycle, but i didn't want to go home late, so i followed the bus back to school with Nicholas, Jerome and a few others. When we got back, the rugby match just ended and we WON! Yay! SJI 14-10 RI. So elated. Nice job Naz, Hahn and the others.

I seriouly tink that this post is super long. Lol.