So I didn't realli had a valentine for Valentine's Day, not like GLENN! Lol, anyway i dun realli give a damn. Seriously i dun bother, unless some girl come up to me and ask me out. Cos i too lazy to go around askin.

Anyway, today was realli normal. I felt damn stress yesterday cos of all the stupid homework. But i still didn't do them. I onli did physics and maths. During Geog today, ellen woo was seriously a bitch. She is damn bossy la. She told Glenn to put his bag on the floor. Thn Glenn was like its okie. Thn she give him that kind of look. So gLeNn had no choice lor. Thn she went on to say some shit like you will spoil your back and wat next time you will thank me for that. I mean its like she is not even sitting on the chair lor, why shud she even care. Thn during chemistry period, Ric go and sabotage me lor. He use his pen and go and poke Mr Tang's ass lor. So he turn around and look at me!

Thn Ric was like:" Wah lao Sebastian you go and touch his wallet for wat"

So i went:"Not me! Seriously it was Ric!"

At least he knew that if was Ric cos Ric always does stupid things. Physics was also fun, Mr Sim kept scolding Shawn cos he dun even know how to draw a proper ray diagram. And yesterday's lesson was even funnier. He told us some sick but logical joke. Damn smart siah he.

Okie I tink i say alot alreadi la. ByE!