I feel down. I wonder why? There's no obvious reason. Maybe it's the weather, it's so gloomy or the song i'm listening to now. I miss something, but i just don't really know what it is. Maybe my life's lacking a little something. Maybe I should search for it. Hmmm...feels strange. It's like I'm happy and yet not. Get what I mean? All the equivocation.

Anyway, I went back for training today with Yvan and it's quite sad to see the amount of people that turn up. I wonder what happened after we left. Almost everyone's not there. I remember how fun training used to be, and I would look forward to every session. The joys we had, the times that we shared. The track team as always been like a second family to me, only much much bigger. It's where I spent the other half of my time, always there on the track, running, jumping, laying around, so much more. It sort of feels like everyone's gone. God, how I miss the track days and school.

Solving the Rubik's cube time and time makes me feel like vomiting.
I don't know why either.