[Song: Shiki-W-inds]

The future holds many things in store for us and many of which we are uncertain about. It's just something that makes me scared everytime i think of it. Something that's in your hands but up to a certain extent. Sometimes there only so much you can do to decide hows it's going to be like. Things are bound to change as we move on, and people aren't very open to changes. Well, that's how the human mind works. Changes like these are what we wish that didn't happen. Like what would happen to the friends around you? Your love ones? Your studies? Your life? Where are you going to go from where you are now? Okay, or perhaps it's just me who is thinking too much about it. But sometimes I seriously can't help it and I don't want to lose the things that I love so much.

Okay so mid-years finish on tuesday and I've been lazy to blog since, until SHAAAAAA asked me to blog! Thanks to her for supporting me through that period of time and encouraging me. I know my chem and A.math is screwed already. I just hope that i don't fail anymore other than that and that my L1R5 would be around 20? Chinese intensive now and I have to say my class has been really fucked up again. With the say usual assholes fooling around. I hope they like fail their Chinese Os man! See whether they still dare to fuck around and disrupt lessons or not! I walked pass all the other classes and they were dead silence, doing their practice papers and when I walked back to my class! I hear nothing but noise and my teacher scolding them! ARGH!

I'm scared, really scared.