[Song: Ju Hua Tai-Jay Chou]

Okay so yesterday's post was crap. I was like in a hurry to sleep. Did i mention that sports day on thursday was a good one? I had 1 Gold 1 Silver and 1 Bronze. Bronze was for my class 4x100m relays and the Gold was for my class 4x400m, yeah man! Ownage! Silver was for my triple which I could have beaten Yvan and gotten Gold! DAMN IT! His winning jump was 12.48m while my best jump was 12.25m the only stupid thing was that i took off damn far away from the take off board! If I were to hit the board, I would have jumped past him! ARGH! I could have gotten another Gold that day for 100m if I had been training for sprints. My friend videoed my run and at the start I was leading everyong by 3m! But at like the 50m there I started dying and eventually got 5th! Stupid man! Anyway, it was my last SJI sports day and it was a good one!

Yup as I mentioned I got my new guitar cos the previous I got had some defects with the pickups so I asked for a new one. Got my new Marshall amps which I'm not very sure how to use? As in the distortion thing, or maybe I'm just not used to it. Plus I bought new shoes and new slippers which is super gay in colour. Like it's meant more for girls. HAHAHA! I want to buy more shoes! I seriously have a fetish for shoes man!

So today's Chinese mid-years was quite okay except for the freaking second passage which was like huh? The questions they ask you cannot be found exactly, you have to look real hard for it. Hopefully I can still pass. Today shall be study study and more study day. Physics coming up next! Hopefully I can get my A1 that I hope for.

Anyway, went for the SJI 155th anniversary dinner just now. There were like a lot of people. The only stupid thing was this bunch of sec 3 losers came in suit and started posing. Their faces are like CMI can! It's not "can make it" ah! It's "CANNOT MAKE IT"! Even in school I see them posing when there are not girls in school at all! Like wth right! If at least there were girls around I can understand the poor state they are in la! But no please! Overall the event was great, full of laughter and rubbish! Ate until I was super full! Must burn them off.

Man! I'm tired!

Night now!

Then we would be forever.