[Song: Makes Me Wonder-Maroon 5]

SHA sent me this song. And must say, it's so not Maroon 5. Haha. It's has this dance-disco beat in it. Kinda groovy yeah. You know I kinda find the Gatsby advertisement for the Moving Rubber product very cool, I want to try and see what it is. Takuya Kimura voice is oh so sexy man. Damn high! The advertisements for "anything" and "whatever" are damn funny too.

You know the saying that conflicts between 2 parties can bring them closer together? Well I think it can also bring them further apart. Well, that's what I experienced today, but I shall not say with who. Or maybe it's just me and I get irritated easily these days. But yeah, I mean some things in life just cannot be rushed right? Sometimes you just have to let nature take it's course right? If you are not fated, means not fated right? You rushed it also no point, it will still turn out the same way in the end.

You know the strange thing is that I suddenly sort of found my passion to be a doctor again? Cos of the visit to NUH yesterday. I just find it interesting in what they do and I don't know why but I found it very quiet and peaceful to work in a hospital. But if I am to be one, I want to be a specialist, not a GP. I rather focus on one part thn be so so in all. Even if I were to be a doctor and work with children I wouldn't mind! I love children, they are just oh so cute and fun to work with. But you must really have a lot a lot of patience, which apparently my teacher says I am in my report book! Hmm...I'm so opposite in character from my father, he is so impatient. Maybe it's one thing that I learnt from him cos he is just so impatient and seeing him just makes me want to patient.

Anyway, holidays are like really here here here. I have to plan what I am going to do with it and make the most out of it and hopefully I have the determination to carry it out. I know most of the time the people who say so are the ones that don't do it in the end. But I really must try. I shall go and plan now now now.



Chinese Os today was.......okay I shall not say anything. Later I talk too much as usual and then in the end, end up getting some shit results. I'm just afraid of my paper one, I think I wrote too little? Or my points are not strong enough. Nevermind, what's done is done and it cannot be undone. Just hope for the best and prepare for the worst. NUH after that to the specialist for my ear. Shall not go into detail, useless you REALLY want to know. School for the whole of this week man! Freaking irritating. I guess the older you get, the lesser privileges you get. After Os, can enjoy like siao.

Bye now!


So I'm confirmed, but what's the big deal? Besides the fact that I felt calm when the bishop confirmed me and my oh-so-striking lime green tie. Everything else sucks. Stupid parents can't even take a fucking photo properly, keep retaking it like 20-30 times. It the end I didn't care them already. I wanted a group photo of the people in my group but where did they go? All fucking ran away. Stupid twits. The fucking thing that made it worse was that they printed my name wrongly on my cert. FUCKERS! A "A" and a "O" also can get it wrong. Screw them.

The barbacue thing at my place after that was also boring. Cos of people that self invited themselves. Fucking scholar pissed me off at first, keep cooking for himself, make sure he cook enough to bring home to indonesia also! But after that i was okay with him la. Then those friends of gen are really anti-social, well, not all. Twitheads, kept to themselves. We already told her not to bring so many friends. Like 1 or 2 enough, wouldn't listen. And I noticed how fucking stupid people are at cooking. I'm so not going to have another thing like this anymore. At least not like this anymore. So don't expect too much from me from now on.

Everything that I wanted to do, all didn't happen. I didn't get a chance to do it. So let's say I had a screwed up confirmation, but who cares. I feel anti-christ now and I don't know why. Okay, maybe it's not called anti-christ. It's just that i expect too much from my friends? and maybe of all the shit that happened yesterday? I don't know man.

Anyway, chinese Os tomorrow. Hope I can do well, maybe even an A1, but I doubt so. If i get a B3, i'll be more than happy. Speaking of which, I should be doing chinese now, I don't even know what the hell I am doing here blogging.



So today I got back my results and although I improved, it was still bad to me. Prelims is next, and I must get around 10 points man! Right now with my marks I don't know if i'm able to DSA. See how, just try, see who wants me! HAHA!

I have this feeling that I will continue with track even in JC and speaking of which I'm only taking triple jump this year, which means I can concentrate on one event, and given the event of triple jump which needs so much training, it's better for me. Then I can focus on my medal prospect which I think I'm capable of. Getting into the relay team is also a must for me. I really love it. Hopefully I can achieve them this year.


[Song: Key Of Heart-BoA]

People should seriously stop listening to emo songs with absolutely no meaning and listen to upbeat Jpop! I mean why dwell in your stupid state of pity and get deeper in it, when you can cheer yourself up!

Okay nevermind about that. It's 3.55am and here I am blogging. Anyway, I was watching the FA cup final just now and I must say it was a real boreeeeeeee. They played as if they didn't deserved to be there. Chelsea deserved to win, judging by Man Utd's performance. It's a good thing anyway, cos then those stupid arrogant bastards in school can't go round suaning people like me who don't support Man Utd.

Chinese Os in a week time! I seriously hope I don't screw this up. I have to do more chinese, which I've already been doing, but more of it. If I can get a B3, I will be more than happy, considering how bad my chinese is. Come June will be the time I have to practice on my chinese speech on oral. It sucks like shit.

It's like time for DSA but I don't know where to go! Like either Raffles, Hwa Chong, St. Andrews or Catholic Junior College. But after looking at their school's website, I guess Raffles and Hwa Chong are pretty much out of my league. So I'm left with SA and CJ. I don't mind going to CJ but I just can't stand the facilities there! It's like damn bloody screwed up! They don't even have a proper track! How the hell am I to train man! Nvm, I can just heck the training there and walk down to SJI to track with my coach. Thn SA has a super nice and new campus, but the thing is their track there is their new CCA and it's not established. Not that I'm saying CJ is any better. So I'm stuck. Maybe I should just secure a place in JC first thn see my results. I'm not going to follow the others by going to RJ cos I don't want to go in and struggle. I shall see how they cope there man. They are like just going there for the track, dumb asses. I shall just go into a enviroment where it suits me. But until then, I'm really can't decide.


[Song: Byo Shin-Dir en grey]

Okay so I know I haven't been blogging much even though mid-years are over. It's just that I no longer have that real urge to use the computer anymore. Looks like I can even live without it if i choose to.

I went for the blood donation drive today, really scared! Like freaking okay! Stupid damn needles! Okay so i still went ahead with it. Like why not right? When I had the medical checkup, the doctor asked if I was on any medication and I said antibiotics, thn she was like" Oh like that you cannot donate" Apparently due to the antibiotics being in my blood. Wahpiang! Like so anti-climax can! Need to wait a week later thn I can donate by thn i need to go to the blood bank and donate which I don't want to cos I'm too lazy to go there? If it's in school thn I will. But then again, nevermind, I shall just wait and go for the september one.

You know I notice I've become quite lost after my mid-years? Like I don't really know what to do besides studying? Like I have to plans to go out? I haven't even freaking watch spiderman 3. And even if I plan to, I can't bear to spend any money! Like might as well not go out right? So that's exactly what I've been doing. Like coming straight home and do some don't know what that even now I can't explain myself.

Oh my, My eyes are getting heavier now!


[Song: RED...[em]-Dir en grey]

Sports Fiesta today. It was quite good at times and really bad and frustrating at times. Overall, it was pretty much a fucked up day. Got silver for touch rugby. Haha.

Okay I'm blogging for fun.

My guitar calls.


[Song: Shiki-W-inds]

The future holds many things in store for us and many of which we are uncertain about. It's just something that makes me scared everytime i think of it. Something that's in your hands but up to a certain extent. Sometimes there only so much you can do to decide hows it's going to be like. Things are bound to change as we move on, and people aren't very open to changes. Well, that's how the human mind works. Changes like these are what we wish that didn't happen. Like what would happen to the friends around you? Your love ones? Your studies? Your life? Where are you going to go from where you are now? Okay, or perhaps it's just me who is thinking too much about it. But sometimes I seriously can't help it and I don't want to lose the things that I love so much.

Okay so mid-years finish on tuesday and I've been lazy to blog since, until SHAAAAAA asked me to blog! Thanks to her for supporting me through that period of time and encouraging me. I know my chem and A.math is screwed already. I just hope that i don't fail anymore other than that and that my L1R5 would be around 20? Chinese intensive now and I have to say my class has been really fucked up again. With the say usual assholes fooling around. I hope they like fail their Chinese Os man! See whether they still dare to fuck around and disrupt lessons or not! I walked pass all the other classes and they were dead silence, doing their practice papers and when I walked back to my class! I hear nothing but noise and my teacher scolding them! ARGH!

I'm scared, really scared.


[Song: Ju Hua Tai-Jay Chou]

Okay so yesterday's post was crap. I was like in a hurry to sleep. Did i mention that sports day on thursday was a good one? I had 1 Gold 1 Silver and 1 Bronze. Bronze was for my class 4x100m relays and the Gold was for my class 4x400m, yeah man! Ownage! Silver was for my triple which I could have beaten Yvan and gotten Gold! DAMN IT! His winning jump was 12.48m while my best jump was 12.25m the only stupid thing was that i took off damn far away from the take off board! If I were to hit the board, I would have jumped past him! ARGH! I could have gotten another Gold that day for 100m if I had been training for sprints. My friend videoed my run and at the start I was leading everyong by 3m! But at like the 50m there I started dying and eventually got 5th! Stupid man! Anyway, it was my last SJI sports day and it was a good one!

Yup as I mentioned I got my new guitar cos the previous I got had some defects with the pickups so I asked for a new one. Got my new Marshall amps which I'm not very sure how to use? As in the distortion thing, or maybe I'm just not used to it. Plus I bought new shoes and new slippers which is super gay in colour. Like it's meant more for girls. HAHAHA! I want to buy more shoes! I seriously have a fetish for shoes man!

So today's Chinese mid-years was quite okay except for the freaking second passage which was like huh? The questions they ask you cannot be found exactly, you have to look real hard for it. Hopefully I can still pass. Today shall be study study and more study day. Physics coming up next! Hopefully I can get my A1 that I hope for.

Anyway, went for the SJI 155th anniversary dinner just now. There were like a lot of people. The only stupid thing was this bunch of sec 3 losers came in suit and started posing. Their faces are like CMI can! It's not "can make it" ah! It's "CANNOT MAKE IT"! Even in school I see them posing when there are not girls in school at all! Like wth right! If at least there were girls around I can understand the poor state they are in la! But no please! Overall the event was great, full of laughter and rubbish! Ate until I was super full! Must burn them off.

Man! I'm tired!

Night now!

Then we would be forever.