[Song: Machiavellism-Dir en grey]

Man! I LOVE THIS SONG as well as AMANDA TAY SHAN WEN! I think I will just go JAPAN and lose my passport there. HAHA! I wish I was born in JAPAN! There is so many things there! A lot of things that I want can be found in JAPAN! Eeyer, so jealous. Like most of the Guitars that I want, they can only be found in JAPAN!

Like Kaoru's Guitars!

ESP Ganesa 1st Version

ESP Ganesa 2nd Version

ESP Ganesa 3rd Version, this has the FERNANDES SUSTAINER IN IT. I LOVE THIS ONE

ESP Ganesa 4th Version, Pretty much the same as Ganesa 2 but I think there is something or somewhere different.
ESP Ganesa 5th Version, Pickups are different.

ESP Ganesa 6th Version, I LOVE THIS ONE TOO.

ESP Ganesa 7th Version, this one has 7 strings.

ESP Ganesa 8th Version, when you turn this upside down, the blue part makes the shape of the skull, or at least that is what they say.

ESP Ganesa 9th Version. They call this the Bony Ganesa. COOL!

Kaoru's latest guitar. ESP D-KV-420.

Die's Guitar, ESP D-DR-300. This one is damn nice. It's also his latest one.

Toshiya's Basses,

Killer KB Kumovi.

Killer KB Eve. This is his nicest guitar.
Killer KB Beelze Black. He has a WHITE one too, and I think it's NICER!
Time for the sick one! Killer Haunted 3epo!

His latest one, ESP D-TR-290

Actually there is somemore, but I only post their nicer ones. Now you know what I do when I'm really bored. Oh, Anthony pierced his ear. I was super scared when he was about to pierce. I know, I'm not the one piercing, but I felt scared. Haha, I'm scared of pain, or at least pain that I never experienced before. You can go and call him a AH BENG now. Haha. But I think he looks weird with it. Nevermind, you wait until I get my BRIGHT PINK HAIR!
