[Song: Tell Me Baby-Red Hot Chili Peppers]

I'm seriously addicted to this song. It has such groovy tune, well almost all Red Hot Chili Peppers songs have it. I can't believe I didn't find out about this song until now. I had the Stadium Arcadium Album for months but I never listened to any songs from the 2nd Disc, what I twit I am.

Anyhow, training today was erm...fun but tiring for me. Did jumps for training, tried my new spikes. Still not very used to it yet. Plus plus plus, my quadriceps felt damn weak today, which is a bad thing, cos I couldn't jump properly. I think it's due to my first jump training today. I always get it after not training for a long time. Plus my whole body is aching now, especially my legs.

I think I know what exactly Anthony is talking about already. About that stupid irritating pop up that always appears when you come to my blog. Shit man. Last time was that stupid porn site thing on my old link, now, it's this. Damn. And what's that earthquake shit in taiwan that affects our internet. Looks like everyone are taking the quiz thing from me huh?

Oh, yesterday I went to church for this Junior Cathechist thing. I must say it's quite fun. At first the room was super super silent. No one was talking at all. I felt super weird, maybe we were all put in an unfamiliar situation, but after a while it was quite okay already. It's enriching I must say. Oh and Sarah is super greedy! Haha, Take all the ferrero rocher, plus the bread thing all. Haha

I'm like eating Curry flavour maggie mee with egg at like 2.56a.m? Be jealous of me. I know you want it.



[Song: Make Damn Sure-Taking Back Sunday]

It's Christmas, and it's a boring one. Well, it's not only me that find it boring, Gen and Ant also says it's boring. I bet everyone are like enjoying themselves with their party party. Anyway, it's a boring one cos my family and relative are celebrating it on the 31st of December, so it's sort of combining Christmas and New Year. Can't wait for my money, cos I ask for cash as my Christmas gift and since my Birthday is just around the corner, they will combine it together and I'll get more, Haha!

Anyway Jit Yong made me do this. So here goes.

Instructions: name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head.dont read the questions below before you write and tag 5 people to do the survey.

1. Cheryl
2. Aloysius
3. Nicole
4. Jessica
5. Jit Yong
6. Gladys
7. Michael
8. Bill
9. Edgar
10. Glenn
11. Gen
12. Nicholas
13. Anthony
14. Timothy
15. Damien
16. Victor
17. Amanda
18. Jasmine
19. Natasha
20. Colleen

How did you meet 14? Churchmate man!

What do you do if you never ever meet 1? Hmm...I can't bitch about life, and talk so many other things that I can't to so many other people.

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? Erm...it's strange cos they don't know each other?

Did you ever like 19? Ooooooo, Yes? No? Maybe?

Would 6 and 1 make a good couple? 6 and 1? Neh, but the brother of 1? Yes, haha.

Describe 3. Very nice girl, ultra lame to the core. It's like lame until cannot lame anymore.

Do you think 8 is attractive? Bill? HELL YEAH!

Say something abt 7. He's the babyface.

Do you know any of 12's family members? Nicholas? HELL YEAH! Even his DOG!

What's 18's favourite? Pinching people I guess?

What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? Sia la! Ah Wong and Ah Wong? Hmm...Maybe I will not be a Ah Wong anymore. Haha

What language does 15 speak? English, Chinese and a little Japanese.

Who is 9 going out with? ME!

How old is 16 now? 15

When was the last time you talked to 13? Today

Who's 2's favourite band/singer? Hmm...he has like 10G of songs? How would I know?

Would you date 4? YEAH MAN!

Would you date 14? He doesn't need me la, he has someone else.

What is 10's last name? Sim.

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 17? Hmm...hard one. In actual fact, most likely not, but then again, being such a nice guy and not wanting to break her heart, yes. haha

What school does 3 go to? CHIJ STC

Goodnight now!


Dir en grey - Yokan

Japanese Lyrics

uwebe dake de ima mo
kimi wo moteasonderu
kimi wa nani mo kizukazu
-180℃ ni kouru ai

muguchina kimi ni
muguchina ai de
muguchina fukai kan wo
muguchina boku ni
muguchina ai de
muguchina kizuato

juuhachi nin me no kimi
boku ni kizuite inai
yasashisa ni urazuketa
kouri tsuita kono ai wo

shizukana kimi ni
shizukana ai de
shizukana kaikan koroshi
shizukana boku ni
shizukana ai de

kaerenai kaerezu ni
hearu muguchina ai
shizuka ni
shizuka ni karameau futari

kokoro muguchi ni
kokoro shizuka de
kokoro ni hamukete
kokoro muguchi ni
kokoro shizuka de
kokoro moteasonde mite mo

"kimi no kao wo mite mo, nani mo kanji nai yo
sore de, zutto damasareru ni sa
boku no mukashi no kizu ni, kore de wa"

itsu kara ka anata ni kizuite ita demo
anata no soba ni ireru dake de ii no

boku wa saigo ni kimi wo dakishimeta
kore ga saigo ni naru to mo shirazu ni

English Lyrics

Everything is false between us.
I am still using you
You don't notice anything.
Our negative love is frozen

To silent you, with silent love,
give silent discomfort
To silent me, with silent love,
leave a silent scar

You are the 18th girl for me.
You don't realize the way I am
You don't notice my cold love,
behind my kindness

To quiet you, with quiet love,
quietly holding back
To quiet me, with quiet love,

We can't change. We can't return.
That's the silent love
Quietly, quietly,
the two of us are entangled

To a silent heart, with a quiet heart,
pointing a blade at my heart
To a silent heart, with a quiet heart,
even if my heart wanders

"I don't feel anything
even when I look at your face.
You should just keep being deceived.
That's nothing compare
to what I had in the past".

You said,
"I found about you sometime ago,
But I'm happy just being with you"

I just held you at the end
You'll never know this is the last time


[Song: Interstate Love Song-Stone Temple Pilots]

Know, sometimes human beings are strange beings. No one is ever the same. It's like you have to find friends that suit your personality, and sometimes that doesn't always happens. Just when you think you know them very well, actually, the truth is you don't. Finding friends that suits your character are often hard, finding that one special person in life is even harder. It's like you have to find your other half, the person that is something you are not and you are something that person is not, and you need each other, in order to make each other complete or something like that. People that doesn't suit your personality often result in you hating them and vice versa. Different groups of friends provide different things in life. Some are just for having fun, while others are always there for you to confide to.

Life is complicated, Human beings are complicated, and maybe they are the ones that make life complicated. Perhaps, life would have been easier if everyone just lived by themselves. Stuffs like politics are people who have actually no power trying to have power just because of some stupid damn shit status they have. Drop that status and they are nobody. That's maybe why politics is a dangerous game and it's complicated. Maybe that's why with knowledge come power and with great power comes great responsibilities. Actually it can be quite interesting studying human behaviours and emotions and stuffs concerning them.

Anyway, I saw this on Hahn's blog, so I shall just do it.


Full Name: Sebastian Wong Wei Han
Birthday: Jan 07 1991
Birthplace: Singapore
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Brown? Or so that what a lot of people say
Height: 168+
Weight: 62kg-64kg (Varies)
Right handed or Left handed? Right
Your Heritage: Chinese
My Worst Habit: Hmm
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Horse for chinese
Shoe Size: 9-10
Parents Still Together? Yeah
The Footwear You Wore Today: Globe Mark Appleyard Rewire
Your Weekness: Heights?...a few more
Your Fears: The Future?
Your Perfect Pizza: Lots of cheese, mushrooms, bacons, ham, sausages
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Haha...okay
Thoughts First Waking Up: On school days: Fuck, got school. Holidays: hmm...whatever I was dreaming about
Your Best Physical Feature: erm...My feet or ears?
Your Bedtime: 8pm-4am
Your Most Missed Memory: That time


Favourite Colour? WHITE!
Food? As long as it's nice.
Sport? Track and Field, Soccer
Animal? Horse, or so I think?
Ice Cream? Not a big fan of it
Candy? Any will do
Store? Anyway one that has something I like inside
Salad Dressing? Thousand Island?
Actor/Actress? Not that I'm sure, but Model, ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO!
Song? Raison D'etre
Letter? S and R
Number? 17
Holiday? Korea
Season? Autumn?
Toothpaste Flavour? The Kodomo one that children use
Radio Station? Don't listen to it now, mainstream music
Perfume? Not that I use perfume
Body Part Of The Opposite Sex? Face, Legs...haha


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Doctor? Pilot? Chef? Musician? Sports Coach?
How Do You Want To Die? Feeling Accomplished
Turn ons: Beautiful Smiles
Turn offs: Attitude
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You? No one? I am myself
Who's The Loudest? Gen
Who Makes You Laugh The Most? Timothy Leow...HAHA
Who Have You known The Longest? Aloysius? 11 years
Who's The Shyest? Me? I think so
When Have You Cried The Most? Childhood Years
What Is The Best Feeling In the World? Feeling Loved?
Worst Feeling? Losing something you really loved
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? JAPAN! Singapore
If You Could Change One Thing About You, What Would It Be? Discipline
How Long Do You Think You'll Live? 80+


Been In Love? Yeah
Been In Juvie? Nope
Mooned Someone? What's that?
Been Rejected? erm...yeah
Ran Away From Home? Never, maybe I'll try it one day
Skipped School? Yeah
Thought About Suicide: Yeah
Slept Outside? Like Duh
Laughed So Hard You Cried? Yup
Cried In School? Yeah
Thrown Up In School? Yeah
Wanted To Be A Model? Not with my height, nope
Cheated On Someone? Nope
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today? Yeah
Seen A Dead Body? Yeah
Drank Alcohol? Yup
Smoke? Passively
Been On Drugs? Nope
Eaten Sushi? Yup!
Been On Stage? Yeah
Gone Skinny Dipping? Nope
Shoplifted? Nope
Been Drunk? Nope
Been Beaten Up? Nope


Swear? At times
Sing Well? Come listen to me and find out
Shower Daily? It's a must
Want To Go To College? I guess so
Want To Get Married? Yup
Believe In Yourself? At times
Get Motion Sickness? Nope, not really
Think You Are Attractive? At times
Get Along With Your Parents? Yeah
Like Thunderstorms? Hmm...
Play An Instrument? Guitar
Own An Ipod? Nope
Pray? Yup
Go To Chruch? Yup
Sleep With Stuffed Animals? Nope
Keep A Journal/Diary? Never
Dance In The Rain? When I'm High
Sing In The Shower? Most of the time


Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King? Macs
Single or Group Dates? Depends on what you are looking for
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries
Meat or Veggie? Meat
TV or Movie? Movie
Guitar or Drums? Guitar
Adidas or Nike? Nike for Soccer, Adidas for Style
Chinese or Mexican? Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? Cheerios
Cake or Pie? Cake
MTV or VH1? MTV?
Blind or Deaf? Hmm...hard one, Deaf
Boxers or Briefs? Briefs


Do Splits? Nope, used to
Write With Both Hands? Nope
Whistle? Yup
Blow A Bubble? Yeah
Roll YOur Tongue In A Circle? Yeah
Cross Your Eyes? Yeah
Walk With Your Toes Curled? Yeah
Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue? Nope
Dance? Here and there?
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry? At times


You Touched? My Sis
You Talked To On The Phone? My Mom
You Text? Edgar
You Instant Messaged? Colleen
You Hugged? Nathaniel
You Yelled At? Justin
You Played A Sport With? Soccer, Churchmates


Time You Laughed? Just now
Time You Cried? October?
Movie You Watched? Casino Royale
Flavour Of Gum You Chewed? Strawberry
Joke You Told? Can't remember, with Leow
Song You've Sung? Snow ((Hey Oh))-Red Hot Chilli Peppers


Where Are You? My Room
What Can You See Out Your Window? Lights, Road, Cars, Jungle
Are You Listening To Music? Yeah
What Are You Wearing? Pyjamas
What's On Your Mousepad? AIR!...Stupid Question


Do You Believe There Is Life On Other Planets? No
Do You Believe In Miracles? Yeah
Magic? Neh, it's an elaborate con
Love At First Sight? Perhaps
God? Yes
Satan? Nope, not really
Ghosts? Nope
Santa? Neh, not even when I was a kid
Evolution? No, Mitsubishi Evo? yeah...haha


Favourite Eye Colour? It matters not
Favourite Hair Colour? It matters not
Short or Long Hair? As long as it looks good on her
Height? 150-160+?
Weight? Suitable for her height
Best Clothing Style? Whatever looks good on her


What Country Would You Most Like To Visit? JAPAN!
Number Of CDs I own: 10+
Your Good Luck Charm: My Cross
How Many Pillows Do You Sleep With? 1
Do You Drink Milk? Every Night!
Person You Hate Most? It's hard to hate people, maybe that someone.
Do You Think God has a gender? Hmm...not really, but I have this mindset that God is male, Haha
Where Do YOU Think We Go When We Die? Six Feet Under...haha, Heaven
How Many Rings Until You Answer The Phone? Who the hell bothers!
Are You A Health Freak? Nope, not really
What Is The Worst Weather? Not really sure...
Did You Play With Barbies As A Child? Yeah, My sis, I was Bored
How Many Grades Have You Failed? Hmm...lots in Secondary School

Man, this quiz is long. Anyway, something really funny happened to Edgar this afternoon. As you know I moved my blog, so when he click my link from Aloy's blog, some porn website appeared and his com got virus! HAHAHA, I swear it has nothing to do with me. Out with my sis today, She bought me a new wallet, THANKS JIE! I bought some Cocoa Candle from Mark's and Spencer. I'm crazy with the Vanilla smell now. I wanted to buy this Vanilla Room Spray but it was sold out. But there is are also Vanilla Shower Gel and Shower Cream. HAHHA

Goodnight now!


[Song: As Tears Go By-The Rolling Stones]

Back from Kuching trip. I must say it's priceless, that's how good it is and it also saves me from typing about the whole trip. School is going to reopen in like 13 days time. Time passes by really fast.

Things that appear in a certain way may not always stay that way, some things just don't appear what it seems to be. I think that it's good to only know others that much and lower your expectations of others. Then you will not get hurt. It's like when you are very close to someone, you are emotionally attached to that person, and when things turn nasty, it just hurts you. It's good to have many friends and know only so much about them, at least thats what I think, unless they are your close friends. So it's good to be emotionally attached to yourself. You don't have to be affected by so many things and you don't have to bother about so many things in life. So maybe living in your own world is not that bad after all. Maybe it will be a happier life.

Some things are just not meant to be, some things in life are just wrong, while some are already wrong right from the start, but may somehow end up right. Life is complicated, I somehow disagree that being inter-dependent is good at this point of time. The trip somehow has left me with a lot to think about. The long bus rides are good for thinking.

Anyway my Dad just bought a new car. The new Honda Stream. I was stunned when he came to pick me up last night with it. Hahaha.

Bye now!



i'm ah wong's mate , and i'm here to WRAP HIS GIFT FOR HIM ,
then help him bring candle arh ,
help him bring wrapping paper sumore !
and i'm wearing his SJI TIE !
AND i look damn good larh ,
with my JURONG BIRD PARK polo tee :D



which cost 5bucks ?
okay , this is all , we going off to my house soon to pick my stuff and we're OFFF


I'm not feeling well now. Fever plus gastric flu something like that, headache and it's freezing cold. I feel like I'm in Korea last christmas. So i'm going to make it short and sweet.

Went for my guitar lesson,
Ordered my Red guitar,
bought 2 levi's jeans
grandma's place after.

Don't even know if I can go Kuching like that.



Okay I've decided. I'm going to order the Red guitar. I'm getting it cos I think thats the only guitar that my dad is going to buy for me. He's paying $550 so I have to buy him the difference which is about $100 more. I shall just wait 2 months for it. It may come faster, it may come later. If I want a more expensive one I will have to wait longer cos it will take me more time to save up the money, and a longer time without a guitar means I'll just die. Haha, no, but at least I have a guitar to play with first before I get my next one.

Anyway, I was watching the Doha Games last night, Singapore versus Korea, and I was supporting Korea cos I prefer them better and the girl is cute. Haha. She reminds me of Jeong Ryeo Won, the girl who was acting in Kim Samsoon as Yoo Hee-jin. She's so pretty. I think Hanna Verboom and Sarah Wayne Callies are pretty too.

Oh man, I'm talking crap.

I'm so fed up now. Apparently some son of a bitch bought the red guitar that I wanted, and Stupid fucking Yamaha doesn't carry more stock. So no more red guitar. They say I can order if I want, but I to wait for 2 months before it comes and that's only tentative. Worse come to worse I just buy some 1-2K guitar and get over with it. There are so many bolt-on construction which is hate the most, and there are so little neck-thru constuction guitars around. Stupid Singapore. Plus both hide's guitar at PS are gone. Someone has bought them. Now, I will have to go Japan to find them. I really wish I was Japanese or at least borned there man. They have everything there. Maybe I will not buy the red one anymore, then I will go and order my LTD F-400FM with EMG 81 and 85 pickups on them or the Fernandes Ravelle Elite with sustainer system.

Aiya, I'm damn pissed now.

Oh and sorry Jasmine for just now.


[Song: Machiavellism-Dir en grey]

Man! I LOVE THIS SONG as well as AMANDA TAY SHAN WEN! I think I will just go JAPAN and lose my passport there. HAHA! I wish I was born in JAPAN! There is so many things there! A lot of things that I want can be found in JAPAN! Eeyer, so jealous. Like most of the Guitars that I want, they can only be found in JAPAN!

Like Kaoru's Guitars!

ESP Ganesa 1st Version

ESP Ganesa 2nd Version

ESP Ganesa 3rd Version, this has the FERNANDES SUSTAINER IN IT. I LOVE THIS ONE

ESP Ganesa 4th Version, Pretty much the same as Ganesa 2 but I think there is something or somewhere different.
ESP Ganesa 5th Version, Pickups are different.

ESP Ganesa 6th Version, I LOVE THIS ONE TOO.

ESP Ganesa 7th Version, this one has 7 strings.

ESP Ganesa 8th Version, when you turn this upside down, the blue part makes the shape of the skull, or at least that is what they say.

ESP Ganesa 9th Version. They call this the Bony Ganesa. COOL!

Kaoru's latest guitar. ESP D-KV-420.

Die's Guitar, ESP D-DR-300. This one is damn nice. It's also his latest one.

Toshiya's Basses,

Killer KB Kumovi.

Killer KB Eve. This is his nicest guitar.
Killer KB Beelze Black. He has a WHITE one too, and I think it's NICER!
Time for the sick one! Killer Haunted 3epo!

His latest one, ESP D-TR-290

Actually there is somemore, but I only post their nicer ones. Now you know what I do when I'm really bored. Oh, Anthony pierced his ear. I was super scared when he was about to pierce. I know, I'm not the one piercing, but I felt scared. Haha, I'm scared of pain, or at least pain that I never experienced before. You can go and call him a AH BENG now. Haha. But I think he looks weird with it. Nevermind, you wait until I get my BRIGHT PINK HAIR!


i bet your life is more interesting everyday!

oh and amanda says hi to all:D hheh


[Song: Beauty&Stupid-hide]

Sorry for not blogging in a long time. I was too lazy to do so. Anyway, if you are wondering what the RED OR BLACK THING is about, it's about my guitar colour. Anyway, it looks like RED wins BLACK 8-4, haha, big difference. But the RED is more expensive than the previous black model that I wanted to buy. I think I shall go with RED now, cos my next guitar will most likely be black. Plus RED looks nice on stage. So yeah.

Hmm...I really have nothing to type already. Maybe some other time. Or whoever thinks I have more to blog about thn go ahead. Haha.

Oh, I bought hairclips today. Haha,

Bye bye!