Eva Longoria is so HOT! Thats wat i forgot to post about yesterday. No wonder i kept tinking that i missed out something. Anywhy, desperate housewives is getting so desperate. Haha. I seriously tink the Eva is hot, especially in yesterday's episode, when she was in lingerie. Aloysius is crazy about her.

Anyway, i went for training today for the jumpers. I asked my coach about my performence and he told me that maybe i burnout. Maybe you dunno wat burnout means so i will explain. It means that when you train too much and you reach a point of time when you are not improving anymore. You physically can't go anymore but mentally you still can keep going. So my coach say maybe i shud stop training for some time and rest. Maybe it is also due to me sleeping late. Thats why i shall sleep relatively early today, which is soon.

I also actualli forgot about my A.maths remedial. Lol and i went to play soccer before training. And i got injured. I got the ball, thn this stupid guy comes along and kick my leg. So my feet twisted inwards and I landed on it. Super pain la. Luckily i still can run and jump for training today. Me and Nicholas are going to TRY to be as sick as Leslie. We are trying to follow Leslie in not eating recess and lunch. Shiok rite? Lose weight is our objective. Cos Nicholas want to beat Leslie in long jump for sports day. But still got quite some time left cos it is in april.

Anyhow, i just knew that Marissa also takes the 106 bus which comes around 6.15 and i take the 77 bus at also around 6.15. So sometimes if her bus arrives earlier than my bus, she may get to see me. I tink she just change from going to Bukit Batok MRT station to Clementi MRT station, thats why now she can see me, if not she will have to take the opposite direction to go to Bukit Batok interchange, which I always thought she does that.

OkIe, going to sleep soon. ByE bYe!


Today was realli normal. I mean i did the usual stuff that i am suppose to do and all. P.E was realli boring today cos Mr Irwan was not here. Got back my Geography Common Test paper, didn't do as well as i thought i would. Got 15.5 upon 25, so sucky la. And the worst is that i failed my E.maths paper. Wat a joke, when i got back the paper i look at the questions and i knew how to do them, dunno why on that day got mental block, couldn't tink properly. Got a 22 upon 50, again sucky.

Anyhow, we had time trails again for training today. I hate time trails, i tink its pointless in doind a 400m. Everybody tinks to too. Super depresses today la. My timing deprove again. My 100m is now like 13.12s and my 400m is 69. something la. Heck, who cares about 400m. Sigh, i tink its because i am getting fatter. From now on, i shall start going to the gym and run like 2-3k every-non training days.

Going to sleep now. TaTa!


Today was realli fun! I mean the church and soccer. There was praise and wroship again. Stupid thing. I tink the singer seriously like takes 1, 000, 000 doses of ecstasy la. She always gets high, while the rest of her band does not. And one of the teachers also crazt one. I mean while they were performing for us, we all just stone there. That teacher is the onli one getting high, like entering a trance. But overall it was realli fun. As in we had some presentation about the Kuching trip. Not sure if i am going though. See my mood. But the church abit siao one la. I mean its onli Febuary now and they are talking to us about the Kuching trip which is in December. Thn they also told us we had to do some pastoral attachment thing. Which is totally a waste of time. So the whole group of boys opted to do the maintanence on the egg maze, which i dunno wat is that. Must be some kiddy game la. Poor Nicholas is the onli one that had to do cleaning up. But they tell him on that they he can go to the egg maze, thn just say that he doing clean up at the egg maze. Haha. Also i finally know the name of 2 girls who are chio. One of them is Joan and the other is Nerissa. Gene la, crazy about Nerissa. Keep sayin that he want to do pastoral attachment with her, although he is not our age. He is just helping out. But i tink that Joan is more chio la. Haha.

Hmm....seems like we may have a re-election after all or the changing of seats thing may be done tmr, after reading Glenn's and Zach's blog. Saw Issac today again while i was playin soccer. He comes to my condo for tuition...hahaha. Wat a loser! Well, i mean i am also one, cos i have tuition. Lol. Soccer was realli fun. Played league style again. 3 teams, 2 goals change team, so have to play serious. I prefer to play serious thn to play slack cos play slack no kick one.

Haha, okie i am going to sleep soon. ByE!


I seriouly tinks that nobody realli lykes Issac, our chairman alreadi. I mean i am okie with him la. I am okie with everybody. But alot of people in class dun realli like him la. They say that he likes to act big or he has an attitude problem, like he is damn irritating in class. And those sitting around him dun realli like him cos he is irritating them and they can't concentrate. Even worse is that the guy who he change place with hates him. Cos that guy realli like his place alot, and those people around there also prefer him better than Issac. So now everyday that guy in class now is very quiet. Christopher apparently caught him copy chinese spelling. Sad siah. And most people want a re-election cos they tink that Andy shud be Chairman. Some people also say that he likes to suck up to teacher. So on friday, which was yesterday, after school, a group of them went to Miss Lee to complaint.

Anyhow, enough of that. So happy that Arsenal actualli won Real Madrid. I mean Real Madrid were the favourites going into that match, and they were expected to win. Besides, Arsenal went into that match with alot of players gone, due to depression or injuries or whatsoever. Thanks to Henry solo effort that put the team in front. He is realli talented and he realli has the speed to beat defenders. Arsenal are the onli english team to have won at the Bernabeu. The next leg is at Highbury, Arsenal's stadium. So i expect them to win. Go Arsenal!

Sorry about not blogging for quite some time. Due to the common test and all. Didn't realli have time to blog. And I fell asleep damn early yesterday. Anyhow, this whole week was so packed, with studying to do and homework.

Common test was quite okie la. On Monday, we had E. Maths and Combined Humanities. E. Maths was quite okie la. But damn little time to complete the paper. Nicholas class almost hlaf the class failed. So i tink i die alreadi. On Tuesday, we had Geography and chemistry. I thought that geog was a give away of marks if you study, so i tink i wil do quite well for it la. Chemistry was also not bad. Beside the lack of time. I tink that the literature and especially yhe history boys and damn poor thing. Cos i was doing my geog paper, i look around at the history boys, they were rushing lyke hell la, and they onli had 30 mins while geog paper had 45 mins. Thn lit guys also had a hard time tinking of wat they shud write. I mean its lyke they give the geog boy so much time, we even had time to slack and look around and all la. On wednesday, we had A. Maths Paper. I tink it was easy la if not for the lack of time. If they give enough time ar, i tell you ar i will get full marks la. Haha. Thn on thursday, the last paper, Physics. It was damn hard la. I feel like killing the setter. I mean multiple choice is suppoe to be easy rite? Just read the question and answer rite? But they made us calculate lyke siao! So in the end i didn't have enough time to finish.

After school on thursday, they rest went to play lan and watch movie. They ask me to go but i didn't wat to cos i didn't like the fact that i have to come home late. I rather go home and play my Xbox; Fifa 06.

Yesterday, the rugby boys and to fight with RI. It was quite a big match. I wanted to watch but i had to go o east coast for training and run 5K! But it wasn't that bad la. We ran half way thn they others slack onli me and jerome continued on. Can help me lose weight. After the run, the rest when to cycle, but i didn't want to go home late, so i followed the bus back to school with Nicholas, Jerome and a few others. When we got back, the rugby match just ended and we WON! Yay! SJI 14-10 RI. So elated. Nice job Naz, Hahn and the others.

I seriouly tink that this post is super long. Lol.



I actualli missed the"angels in the park" walk. Haha. I overslept so in the end i can't be bothered to go. Although attendence is counted, i dun give a damn about it. Such a waste of time. I rather sleep more than go for that damn stupid thing. Next week cat class got praise and worship. Love it man. So fun to make fun of those people playin in the band. They look like a bunch of moron, i mean its like they are the onli one jumping around while we just stand there and look at how fucking spastic they are.

I didn't realli do anything interesting yet, beside playin abit of Fifa 06 and studying and going to church. Nothing realli happened. So.....

Anyhow, i am going to play soccer now. Yeah! BYe!


Common test next week, damn it. I have to spent this weekend mugging for it la. Such a waste of time. On monday, it E.maths and Combine Humanities. On tuesday, it chemistry and Geog. On wednesday, it is A.maths and on thursday, it is physics. It tell you ar, i seriously hate geog now, cos of stupid Ellen Woo. She can't teach for nuts la.

Anyway, i noticed that i am getting fatter. I seriously and desperately need to shed the pounds. I mean i am now 62kg, i am aiming for 55kg. 7kg difference. Hmm, i wonder how hard is it to lose 7kg in 3 months. I tink can la. As long as i am determine. By thn i will be able to jump further and run faster. Woohoo. Cool.

See you! bYe.


So I didn't realli had a valentine for Valentine's Day, not like GLENN! Lol, anyway i dun realli give a damn. Seriously i dun bother, unless some girl come up to me and ask me out. Cos i too lazy to go around askin.

Anyway, today was realli normal. I felt damn stress yesterday cos of all the stupid homework. But i still didn't do them. I onli did physics and maths. During Geog today, ellen woo was seriously a bitch. She is damn bossy la. She told Glenn to put his bag on the floor. Thn Glenn was like its okie. Thn she give him that kind of look. So gLeNn had no choice lor. Thn she went on to say some shit like you will spoil your back and wat next time you will thank me for that. I mean its like she is not even sitting on the chair lor, why shud she even care. Thn during chemistry period, Ric go and sabotage me lor. He use his pen and go and poke Mr Tang's ass lor. So he turn around and look at me!

Thn Ric was like:" Wah lao Sebastian you go and touch his wallet for wat"

So i went:"Not me! Seriously it was Ric!"

At least he knew that if was Ric cos Ric always does stupid things. Physics was also fun, Mr Sim kept scolding Shawn cos he dun even know how to draw a proper ray diagram. And yesterday's lesson was even funnier. He told us some sick but logical joke. Damn smart siah he.

Okie I tink i say alot alreadi la. ByE!


Today was our Form Teacher: Miss Lee's Birthday. So Isaac, our class chairman bought a Black Forest cake from Angie the choice from our Teacher. It was $44 bucks, so if you divide it by 33 people, each will have to pay $1.30 around there. And Kenneth cut the cake until so bloody small la, so each of us onli got a miserable slice of cake. But it was still nice. We agreed that next year we will either have a custom made cake or but 2 cakes.

Today, was quite slack overall. We ended the chinese period early cos of the 'O' Level Results. Shen Yang got top in SJI. I tink with 8 A1s ar. Siao la he, mother gay on steriod ar he. But he has been smart since primary school alreadi, so....

Thn we had some stupid freaking boring chinese opera institute come to our school and perform during the PSE period. Whats more is the play is on "Bai She Juan" and they ended the whole story like in the middle of no where. Suck la they.

Hey Marissa, I pay for the tickets la!



Saturday, i went to my uncle's house. He invited us for chinese new year. Alot of people were also there. Like Aunty Lucy and her husband, so long nvr see them alreadi. At first we reach there but the lion dance people haven come, so my dad brought me to westmall to buy a new PSP™ game: Armored Core Formula Front Extreme Battle. Realli nice game. But just customising the ACs can take hours. Thn you still have to tune the parts and thn tune the AI somemore and also plan strategies. By the time i went back, the lion dance troop had alreadi come and gone....argh but who cares. As usual, Kenny and Louis brought their girlfriends with them.

This weekend was realli stressful. So much homework, and got maths test for both A and E. Sucks man. Btw, happy birthday Bryane!!!

Anyway, today's maths test was realli easy. Easier than wat i expected. Shud be full marks la. haha. Oh and saw Sheryl yesterday! okie i gtg. Bye!