[Song: Hysteria-Muse]

Yo yo yo! What's up with it vanilla face! Okay i'm crapping. Today's Long Jump competition was sucky again. I don't know what's wrong with me man! I keep going for training but I don't seem to be improving! Plus I can jump further in school than in competition! ARGH! RAWR YOU! On tuesday is long jump for sports day. I need a miracle and hit 6m man! Hopefully God will answer my pray and help me! Isn't it true that God help those who help themselves! Thn why isn't he helping me when I always train so hard! My triple jump also sucks and so does my sprints! Sigh, maybe I need to take time off from track a while and let my body rest. Maybe I've burnout and i think that's what I'm going to just do. After sports day I saw stop training for like 1 months and concentrate on losing weight. Thn after that then I will go back.

16 days left to mid-years and I'm going to concentrate more on my maths and sciences. I'm not going to care so much about my humans first. Oh my I have chinese oral tomorrow! No idea how i'm going to do. Sure damn bad one, especially when it comes to conversation. On tuesday I have english oral! My oh my, I hate picture discussion. It's so lameeeeeee. Nvm, lets hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Yes yes! SHOW YOU CAN! HAHAHA! I will fly okay!

Tata! Night!