Okay so I've got new guitar and new amps. But I haven't really been utilising them cos of the stupid mid-years which i think I'm not prepared for? Got new shoes and slippers too! Be jealous man! But my slippers are like quite gay? Cos i anyhow bought them. HAHAHA! Now I want many many things man! Need to save money!

Anyway, chinese mid-years tomorrow. Wish me luck and I doubt I will be using the com anymore until exams are over. So yeah.

Got to go now!


Calm down Sebastian, calm down.

I shall try not to be so rash.

Anyway, there is 2 incidents that made me real fed up today. First I was holding my watch in my hand when suddenly Brian came running along and knock my hand, and my watch flew like what 2m? 3m? 4m? 5m? 6m? Hahaha, okay i shall stop it. Maybe about 2m la, and I was freaking pissed. Luckily I managed to control it.

Then after school when I was going to collect my phone from the drawer, it wasn't there, so I thought someone might have stolen it and I was quite pissed with the class committee for anyhow giving the key to people. But it looks like I was wrong, Ric out of kindness took it and put it in my bag for me cos i wasn't in class. Not that i bear grudges against them, it's just that I should learn to control my temper more. Actually I was hoping that it was stolen! HAHAHAHA! Then some poor shit who was responsible handling the keys need to pay me back thn I can go and get the Sony Ericsson W580i. HAHAHA! Yeah, I know I'm evil la!

Dinner time!


[Song: I know you're here-Steve Vai]

Go watch Steve Vai play this song with his triple neck guitar. Sick man!

Sebastian feels full now, which makes him feel FAT!
Sebastian shall stop eating during recess and maybe go for a run!
Sebastian needs to prepare for sports day.
Sebastian wants need spikes and get rid of his otherwise old or large ones.
Sebastian feels like going back to sprinting.
Sebastian has a shoe fetish, he wants the white and chrome nike powercat, he wants the new white Ronaldinho's boots and white mercurial vapor.

Sebastian's new guitar is ready for collection.
Sebastian wants a new thin guitar strap.
Sebastian wants the ESP see-thur white GT F series.
Sebastian wants amps! Plus effects pedals!

Sebastian enjoyed his day today.
Sebastian thinks his brain functions in a weird way.
Sebastian loves ORANGE.
Sebastian loves RED
Sebastian loves GREEN.
Sebastian LOVES WHITE!



[Song: I'm alright-Neil Zaza]

On the way home from school, I was really embarrassed at the way other SJI guys behave in public. I was on 154 and they were scolding vulgarities like as if they were drinking water. How sad the school produce such people. It's like they were not even embarrassed or at the very least aware that they are in public. I bet everybody were looking at them and thinking to themselves what kind of students SJI have. Naive sec 3 bastards that have yet to realised what life is. Then one of them dropped his handphone and they went "OOOOOOO", like seriously what the hell! Grow up man! Anyway I was really relieved when I alighted from the bus.

Some interesting happened to me today in school. I got caught for my hair! It's the back and it's short and not even touching the collar! I had longer hair before and I don't know why I didn't get caught. How blind the world is. The reason I got caught is because it is jagged. Like what the hell! So I had to go and have my hair cut by the barber the school called. Waste my $5 and my first period. Even everyone said that my hair is normal! Anyway, I had my hair cut and i told the barber to only straighten my back and I came out looking as if I didn't even cut! HAHAHA! Am I pro or what man! William was much worse, he was unlucky and got a lousy ass barber! Anyway I still quite happy with my haircut, it's not that bad.

Okay skipping time!


[Song: Tender Surrender-Steve Vai]

Oh well, so I guess things having been going well for me these days. Especially my track. It's like a downward spiral. I don't know why either, but I sense that maybe my body is trying to tell me that its tired and need lots of rest. Sleeping late hasn't been of much help too. Maybe I shall try to sleep earlier and i mean really do it. Sorry if i don't stay up and talk to you okay?

My long jump yesterday was really really bad. I don't know why but somehow my jumps are getting worse and worse. I think my legs are really weak. But strangely I could jump further than now when I was in sec 3! I guess I'm really off form now. Hopefully I can peak during the nationals. The next fews days would be allocated to purely to studies and working out to lose weight. Thn full rest on wednesday to prepare for Sports Day on thursday. I really want to burn the others in the 100m man and I know I can do it. Hopefully my triple jump on that day too will be good. Plus my class 4x100m relays, we had the fastest qualifying timing yesterday so hopefully all goes well.

I want the Samsung K3! The LIME GREEN ONE! Plus New Headphones!

Time to go now!


[Song: Hysteria-Muse]

Yo yo yo! What's up with it vanilla face! Okay i'm crapping. Today's Long Jump competition was sucky again. I don't know what's wrong with me man! I keep going for training but I don't seem to be improving! Plus I can jump further in school than in competition! ARGH! RAWR YOU! On tuesday is long jump for sports day. I need a miracle and hit 6m man! Hopefully God will answer my pray and help me! Isn't it true that God help those who help themselves! Thn why isn't he helping me when I always train so hard! My triple jump also sucks and so does my sprints! Sigh, maybe I need to take time off from track a while and let my body rest. Maybe I've burnout and i think that's what I'm going to just do. After sports day I saw stop training for like 1 months and concentrate on losing weight. Thn after that then I will go back.

16 days left to mid-years and I'm going to concentrate more on my maths and sciences. I'm not going to care so much about my humans first. Oh my I have chinese oral tomorrow! No idea how i'm going to do. Sure damn bad one, especially when it comes to conversation. On tuesday I have english oral! My oh my, I hate picture discussion. It's so lameeeeeee. Nvm, lets hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Yes yes! SHOW YOU CAN! HAHAHA! I will fly okay!

Tata! Night!


[Song: As Tears Go By-Rolling Stones]

It is the evening of the day,
I sit and watch the children play.
Smiling faces I can see,
But not for me.
I sit and watch as tears go by.

I look back and think to myself, how carefree I was back then when I was much younger. Nothing ever seemed to bother me. How I wish I could turn back time and be so much younger. As little children we seem to have so much fun and yet not be worried about anything. How I envy those children playing at the playground when I saw them. Their world is so perfect, without worries like studies, relationships, live and the future.

Dinner time! Bye!