Some things are just better left unspoken and undone.


I just really hope that I'm just being paranoid.


Sebastian feels stupid.
Sebastian cried.
Sebastian is sad.
Sebastian is lonely.
Sebastian is disappointed.
Sebastian had a bad fall.
Sebastian bled profusely.
Sebastian has a lot of things on his mind. ):


Today I experienced something totally uncalled for. It's sad that I actually have to say this, that AC actually have people with swallow minds, too much free time in their hands and nothing better to do. People that I've actually known since secondary school and primary school even. They are so childish and should just grow up. I'm so disappointed in them. But I guess I can't blame them, maybe they are just ignorant to it. Now I finally know why my friend actually did what he did. It's not really his fault so to speak, it was just people made him feel that way. Put yourself in his shoes and you will know what I mean, if not you will never understand.

Anyway, I really like the track team! We are one fun bunch! I really hope more people joins track and field! Then training will be so much more fun! But on the other hand, my body is giving me lots of problems! Bleah! I hope they all get cured soon!

It was a sad day.
It was a fun day.
Today is a bittersweet day. (:(


[Song: Filth in the Beauty - the GazettE]

AC didn't call...

They didn't call...

they didn't call...

OMG! They didn't f***ing call!

Until 5.15pm last friday! :DDDDDDD When I was training with the track team while the others all pang seh me and left for their OG outing! I ran straight away from the track to the office! My seniors took off their shoes and ran with me too! HAHAHA! They are such great people! We were like celebrating in the office and on the track! Campfire after that was damn fun! Even though I missed the rest of oriention. I'm so acfied! Haha.

Well, the past week of school has been great! But pretty tiring though. New school, new friends, new environment, new everything! I hope the rest of what's to come will be really good too. There's so much to say! Anyway, i'm pretty tired but I've to study now so I'll just end here!

Study time! GO SEB!


[Song: Sumire - The GazettE]

5 Donuts on monday,
3 donuts on tuesday,
another 3 donuts on wednesday, plus Fish and Co for dinner,
Sakae Sushi on friday for dinner,
Carl's Junior yesterday for dinner,
Pizza Hut for dinner today.

Oh my goodness! Look at my week's food intake! Very unhealthy right? Tsk tsk! I'm getting fat already. Okay this week I must go on a healthy diet and control my daily food intake! And save money too! I spent a lot last week!

Me (Looking into the mirror): Wah, I think my wisdom tooth is coming out eh. Quite pain.
Sis: Wah, somebody is getting wiser ah!


Sebastian laughed today.
Sebastian read today.
Sebastian cooked today
Sebastian danced today
Sebastian swam today.
Sebastian ran today.
Sebastian worked out today.
Sebastian did the house work today.
Sebastian did all these by himself today. :(


Filth in the Beauty

[Song: Cassis - The GazettE]

I've finally found a new Japanese Band that I really like after such a long time. Their name is The GazettE. Their songs are really good, but unfortunately, their price is not so. Haha, we're talking about playing $72 for an album? I think HMV is such a rip off when it comes to imported stuffs! I should have bought their albums back in Japan! Well, I guess I just have to slowly save until I have enough to afford them!

Oh speaking of which I just realised that I haven't even mention anything about my trip to Japan! Oh well, it was quite boring I must say, but I guess it's mainly due to it being a tour. I guess if it was free and easy, I would have enjoy it more. You know when I'm over there, I didn't even feel like I was in Japan? Weird right? My sister and I were thinking why, and we came up with some crap conclusion that maybe it's cause all the sign boards they have over there are all written in Kanji (which is chinese words) so maybe we feel like we're in China or something! Hahaha! But disney land was fun though, I must go back there some other time and finish all the rides in both land and sea no matter how many days it takes! And if I were to go back there again, Tokyo is more than enough for me! I just want to eat and shop, eat and shop there! :D I regretted not getting my triple jump spikes and my guitar stuffs there! Well, but it's not that I didn't tried finding okay! It's was just that it was really hard to find them there! You know Japan doesn't have boutiques around! That's why I couldn't get my stuffs! Even asics and ESP which are their Japanese brands was so hard to find! :(

Anyway, it's been 4 days since thursday, which was O level results day. I shall not say things like "don't ask me" or stuffs like that. I shall just tell you my results. I got 17. I'm not happy with my results at all, cause I was expecting 12 and below. Well, I guess whatever results we get is God given and we should just accept it for what it is and move on. I mean I know I could have done better but what's the point in saying that now right? It's already done and over with. There's nothing more we can do about it. There's seriously no point in whining about it or dwelling in it and make yourself unhappy. I think Os is just a small phase of our lives and I've seen many people who become successful in life despite not doing well for Os. We just have to believe in ourselves and start anew or else we will never improve. There's still A levels next and a long long way ahead of our lifes. I just hope now that my appeal into ACJC will be successful and that they give me the combination I want. That's all I care about now. And I'll start all over again there. I hope I can get the good progress award! Hahaha!

My school did exceptionally well this year! Isn't that good!? Haha! I'm so happy and proud of my cohort and alma mater! We had an average of 10.8! It's like the best in SJI history! and we managed to bring the school to band 1! :D The whole school was damn high during all the annoucements before we collect our results! You know it's like every year since sec 1, we hear the principal annoucing how well the seniors did and never had I thought we were going to be the batch with the best results! We were all going around to thank our teachers and stuffs after that. Congrats to those who got their single digits! SJI you should thank us for giving you all holiday on monday! SJI'2007 TITANS!

I was supposed to go and shop for my new year clothings today but in the end I didn't! :( All thanks to my mom, now I have no idea when I'm going to get them! Next week seems kind of late and there's no one to shop with me if I go on weekdays. I just really wanted to go out today, I don't know why also. But I guess I haven't been out for quite a while now. Oh well, I'll just go out next week for a shopping spree! :D And I've been looking up down, left right, upside down, inside out and everywhere for the Rubik's Revenge but they all seem to be out of stock! :( Since when people started becoming so smart to solve the Rubik's Revenge ah? Hahaha, nevermind, I'll just keep looking for it! There's Donut Factory waiting for me! :D


[Song: Fan - Epik High]

Look at the time and I'm still awake. It's been quite a long time since I stayed up this late. Imagine 35 hours from now. How I or rather most of us would be feeling. Would it be pure euphoria, or just despair? Well, I certainly hope it's the former that we'll be feeling. I just can't imagine if I don't make it. What will become of me? Dreams and hopes all gone. In an instant. Contrary, I could be everything I ever wanted to be. Well, let's hope for the best and expect the worse. All we can do now is pray and hope everything will turn out fine.


Someone please smack me real hard in the head. I think I'm being caught in it again. It seriously sucks. I can feel it. Oh my, What am I going to do?! I can't help it.


[Song: ナミダドロップ - Plastic Tree]

I received some pretty bad news yesterday when I thought it was going to be good. So here I am, back at home, doing my stuffs and all. Well, I hope it only last as long as this week. Anyway, according to what I heard, results are going to be out really soon, like next monday or something. It's like both a good and bad things to me. I'm very afraid that I don't get the results I want. It's scary just thinking about it.

Anyway, I think the AC track team spirit is quite good you know. It's like the number one cheerleading group! HAHA! I mean everyone is really supportive of each other and stuffs! We push each other on. It's something I seldom find in the SJI track team. Well, I noticed only the jumpers did that, not so the sprinters. But then again, I really miss SJI, my coach, the teachers and everything there. Maybe I'll go back soon to visit them.

Oh my goodness! I love T.O.P's jacket! It's so shiny! Why doesn't Singapore has jackets like these!?


[Song: Lose Your Mind - BoA]

Yup! That was my birthday cake! I wanted tiramisu, but then with it being quite hard to find at cake shops, my sister bought me a mocha favoured one. Well, it isn't that bad as well and there's still half of it left in the fridge! Who wants some!? Just tell me! I'll give it to you! Haha! And well, even though I didn't really like recieve any gifts or stuffs like that, I still thought I had pretty much a good 17th Birthday! Except for the stupid guard who told me off. I mean like I was quite surprised at the amount of people who wished me! Like even some who I haven't been in contact for such a long time! And I guess that pretty much made my day! Yup! Just a simple wish is more than enough for me! It's the thought that counts right!? Oh and stop saying I'm old okay! I'm not that old! Make me sound like some uncle la! All of you will reach the same age as me SOON! So you'll be old soon too! Nevermind, I shall get my revenge when your birthday comes as well! WATCH OUT! HAHAHAHAHA!