Some things are just better left unspoken and undone.


I just really hope that I'm just being paranoid.


Sebastian feels stupid.
Sebastian cried.
Sebastian is sad.
Sebastian is lonely.
Sebastian is disappointed.
Sebastian had a bad fall.
Sebastian bled profusely.
Sebastian has a lot of things on his mind. ):


Today I experienced something totally uncalled for. It's sad that I actually have to say this, that AC actually have people with swallow minds, too much free time in their hands and nothing better to do. People that I've actually known since secondary school and primary school even. They are so childish and should just grow up. I'm so disappointed in them. But I guess I can't blame them, maybe they are just ignorant to it. Now I finally know why my friend actually did what he did. It's not really his fault so to speak, it was just people made him feel that way. Put yourself in his shoes and you will know what I mean, if not you will never understand.

Anyway, I really like the track team! We are one fun bunch! I really hope more people joins track and field! Then training will be so much more fun! But on the other hand, my body is giving me lots of problems! Bleah! I hope they all get cured soon!

It was a sad day.
It was a fun day.
Today is a bittersweet day. (:(


[Song: Filth in the Beauty - the GazettE]

AC didn't call...

They didn't call...

they didn't call...

OMG! They didn't f***ing call!

Until 5.15pm last friday! :DDDDDDD When I was training with the track team while the others all pang seh me and left for their OG outing! I ran straight away from the track to the office! My seniors took off their shoes and ran with me too! HAHAHA! They are such great people! We were like celebrating in the office and on the track! Campfire after that was damn fun! Even though I missed the rest of oriention. I'm so acfied! Haha.

Well, the past week of school has been great! But pretty tiring though. New school, new friends, new environment, new everything! I hope the rest of what's to come will be really good too. There's so much to say! Anyway, i'm pretty tired but I've to study now so I'll just end here!

Study time! GO SEB!


[Song: Sumire - The GazettE]

5 Donuts on monday,
3 donuts on tuesday,
another 3 donuts on wednesday, plus Fish and Co for dinner,
Sakae Sushi on friday for dinner,
Carl's Junior yesterday for dinner,
Pizza Hut for dinner today.

Oh my goodness! Look at my week's food intake! Very unhealthy right? Tsk tsk! I'm getting fat already. Okay this week I must go on a healthy diet and control my daily food intake! And save money too! I spent a lot last week!

Me (Looking into the mirror): Wah, I think my wisdom tooth is coming out eh. Quite pain.
Sis: Wah, somebody is getting wiser ah!


Sebastian laughed today.
Sebastian read today.
Sebastian cooked today
Sebastian danced today
Sebastian swam today.
Sebastian ran today.
Sebastian worked out today.
Sebastian did the house work today.
Sebastian did all these by himself today. :(